Thanks to local expertise, I have found yet more wonderful drinks to try!
Walnut and peanut flavoured milk was the first new aquaintance--and not a bad one! A rather filling breakfast in itself, it has a fresh nutty quality to it, and a good taste. 4/6
Chocolate milk in a bag is pretty much only chocolate milk, but you get to drink it from a bag.. A little too sweet for my liking, 3/6. Update: The second bag, enjoyed without too sweet pastries to go along with it was in fact much better, and clearly a 4/6.
Black milk turned out to be milk with everything black that is good for rice, black beans and black poppy seeds. Surprisingly this combination was not disgusting, although still an aquired taste; 4/6.
Random Chinese drink in a carton; 发酵的. I presumed it was milk-based because I found it with all the other flavoured milks. However--it tasts a bit like milk with peach (or apricot?), and it is, as the Chinese characers clearly indicate, sour. (Though it is neither drinking youghurt, nor actually soured milk, texture-wise.) A little hard on the sourness, it only receives a 3/6 as a drink. (But it would probably make an excellent popsickle!)

Chocolate milk in a bag is pretty much only chocolate milk, but you get to drink it from a bag.. A little too sweet for my liking, 3/6. Update: The second bag, enjoyed without too sweet pastries to go along with it was in fact much better, and clearly a 4/6.
Black milk turned out to be milk with everything black that is good for rice, black beans and black poppy seeds. Surprisingly this combination was not disgusting, although still an aquired taste; 4/6.

love the new-and-improved-including-photos!
Be careful drinking chinese milk:
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